Case Studies
Customizing Professional Learning to Maximize Results
School: 10X382
State/District: D10 NYC DOE
Content Area: ELA
Grade: PreK – 5
Elementary School for Math, Science & Technology (PS 382) serves 284 inner-city students in Grades K-5. The school serves a high poverty community in the Bronx with 97% of the students qualifying for Free and Reduced Lunch. After analyzing the school data, the principal decided to raise the rigor in the ELA classrooms. Beginning with the 2011-2012 school year, the principal partnered with Generation Ready. The teachers–whom the consultant worked with–willingly participated in the collaborative, ongoing, hands-on professional learning opportunities provided. This involved identifying strategies and modifying them as necessary through implementation in classroom practice in reading and writing workshops.
Percentage of students at ELA Level 3 or 4
- 2013 15%
- 2014 23%
After GR Consulting
Source: NYC School Performance Dashboard